Free Tools for Practice
The Institute focuses on bridging the gap between theory and practice and translates its research and conceptual work in the area of business sustainability into concrete tools.
Positive Impact - CEOs Insights
Videos to come
Teaching & learning tools
Learn about how to see societal and environmental challenges as business opportunitities
Learn about the benefits and advantages of aligning your business to solving a societal purpose
Learn about the importance of integrating sustainability in the core of companies
Learn about sustainable innovation and how to keep your company relevant now and in the future
Learn about how to move from business as usual to true business sustainability
Learn about the urgency of climate change with Reto Knuti's intervention to the DAS students and alumni
Learn about the difference between true business sustainability and greenwashing. Uncover BST 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0
Practice & business tools
How to shift from inside-out to outside-in
True Business Sustainability is a typology to orient businesses in their sustainability journey, offering a roadmap for business to become a force for good.
How businesses can innovate strategic sustainable opportunities
SDGXCHANGE is a strategic innovation tool that unlocks the potential of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into business opportunities.
How multi-stakeholder groups can prioritize their actions
The GAPFRAME is a framework that translates the SGDs into key measures for nations and regions, outlining the gap of where we are today versus where we need to be so that all of us can live well on our planet.
How leaders can become more responsible
The Competency Assessment for Responsible Leadership (CARL) is a quick online assessment, which generates a responsible leader profile around five competencies and three domains of action.