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The new Swiss CEO & Business Rating

The «Green Business CEO Rating» is the national measure of the sustainability-impact of CEOs of the largest Swiss businesses. It appeared on 25. June 25th 2021 in the business journals BILANZ (read it here) and on June 30th in the PME magazine. 


Our institute has developed the scientific methodology of the CEO Impact Rating and has lad the assessment process. The rating is endorsed by the partnership of Green Business Switzerland. The businesses were assessed for their degree of sustainability, and the CEOs were tested for their competency in responsible leadership and their perceived credibility. Read more about the methodology of the rating. The rating seeks to open a new awareness in business and is unique.


Are you interested to test your business and yourself?*


* the business assessment does not correspond to the assessment used in the CEO Impact Rating, which is based on external data. However, this test here enables any organization to determine  their status quo in terms of sustainability. 


How sustainable is your business?

The business test is based on the true business sustainability methodology (Dyllick-Muff, 2016). The methodology differentiates between "business-as-usual", early sustainability, advanced sustainability and true business sustainability. The four differentiators of Positive Impact Organizations can be achieved with eight innovation strategies. These also serve as a basis to determine the status quo of an organization.  


Answer eight short questions and receive a free assessment of your organization. We guarantee of course an absolute confidentiality of your data. 


Would you like to know more?

In collaboration with engageability, we have developed the innovation tool SDGX. It allows organizations to strategically implement their sustainability opportunities. Because, as already Peter Drucker said: "Every single social and global issue of our day is a business opportunity in disguise".


How high is your responsible leadership competency?

This competency test was completed by the CEOs of this Rating. The  scientfically-based and globally applied Competency Assessment is built with latest technology and insights from the behavioral economy research of the University of Zurich and the consultancy Fehr Advice in Zurich. It assesses five competency dimensions across three action domains each. The assessment offers an understanding of your competencies and highlights your development potential.  


Reserve five uniterrupted minutes of your time when conducting the test. Respond to the questions quickly, spontaneously, without thinking about it too much. You can complete the test in English, German and Portugese (French will be available soon). After completing the test, your personalized result is sent to an email address of your choice. And of course, we guarantee absolute confidentiality of your data. 


Would you like to know more?

We offer the test also to teams, organizations and educational providers. Contact us for a Code and assess your team or your organization. Educators can measure the success of a leadership course with a before and after assessment. With nearly 10'000 completed tests across 122 countries, we can offer some interesting insights about responsible leadership. The academic article in currently in publication and shall be published here soon.  


What is unique about the new Green Business CEO Rating?



Sustainability Management: from managing risks to generating impact

The "Green Business CEO Rating" shows the positive social and environmental impact of the best large companies and CEOs in Switzerland. For the first time, it evaluates both the performance of companies performance as well as the attitude and competencies of their CEOs with regard to a positive contribution to solving the urgent global challenges.

Sustainability management is still largely equated with corporate risk management. risk management. Today, however, it is about much more: about positive contributions to solving the major societal challenges that cannot be met without business and the economy.


These challenges can and should be recognized and exploited as new areas of business rather than just as risks. risks. Only in this way can companies achieve a relevant social impact in areas such as climate protection and energy supply, the circular economy, networked mobility, sustainable nutrition or crisis-resistant healthcare systems. It is not enough to delegate this central task to CSR officers or external consultancies. external consulting firms. Sustainability only works if it is a top priority.
To encourage this broader thinking, the Green Business CEO Rating measures both the risk management as well as the positive impact of CEOs and companies.


Sustainability management as risk management focuses on reducing costs and risks for the and risks for the company and expressing a sense of social responsibility. responsibility. It primarily serves to safeguard the company and is based on the findings of ESG ratings for this purpose. An inside-out perspective dominates, from the company to society. The results consist mostly of reductions in the negative impacts of the company (CO2 pollution, resource consumption, waste, emissions), but not in positive contributions to solving societal sustainability challenges. In contrast, these require an outside-in perspective, a view from society to the company and from the future to the present. This perspective is oriented toward the impact of the company on society, as reflected in legislative processes such as the European Green Deal or on the capital market under the sign of impact investing and an explicit purpose orientation of companies. 


A unique rating concept

Both approaches to corporate sustainability management, the traditional ESG rating and the new new SDG-impact approach, are applied in the "Green Business CEO Rating". And they are used both for the company rating and for the CEO rating. 


Business is part of the solution

With the "Green Business CEO Rating", we want to launch the discussion that sustainability is a matter for the boss. CEOs should make their companies as sustainable as possible, so that they themselves are spared from sustainability risks themselves, and equivalently so that they can contribute to overcoming the major sustainability challenges facing society.

Without corporate contribution, it will not be possible to put the world on a safe path. The civil society and investors are increasingly demanding effective contributions from companies. Since corporate performance and the CEO's attitude toward sustainability influence each other, both evaluations are included in our overall scoring: the company rating has a weighting of two-thirds, while the CEO rating has a weighting of one-third. 

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